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Pallet Racks are the stands where pallets can be stored. Each rack can effectively hold hundreds of pallets, depending on the size. Pallet rack systems are excellent for managing space within the warehouse or a store. It can be defined as multi-level structured units used to hold stacks of heavy Pallet Shelves, which are a popular means of storage for literally any industry. A lot of warehouses store their products on Pallet Rack Beams. Whether it be fresh fruit or microwave ovens on these trays, every supplier needs an efficient way to store them.


Warehouse Pallet Racking

Features of Pallet Racks

  • Save Space
  • Provide Safety
  • Durability
  • Accessibility
  • Connivance

Advantages of Pallet Racks

  • First:

One big benefit of Pallet Racks is that it is a great space saver. The way the Pallet Racking System is constructed allows businesses to make up vertical space instead of valuable floor space. Any opportunity to save space and still accomplish your goals is always welcomed. The way that a Pallet shelf racking system is set up makes it possible for forklifts to reach up into the air. And bring down Pallet Shelves whenever they need one. The stacking ability of the Pallet Rack Beams is what saves space and will save money.

  • Second:

Safety is another benefit of Pallet Racks. High-quality material is used to construct these racks. Then tested extensively to ensure they are stable and can handle the weight of your pallets. You will receive complete instructions on how to position and use the racking system to maximize safety and minimize injuries and mishaps for the Pallet Racking System.

  • Third:

The high-quality steel and joining materials used with Pallet Racks ensure that you will be able to use them for many years. They are specifically designed to withstand the rigors of pallets going in and being taken out and to hold the weight of Pallet Rack Beams being stored.

  • Fourth:

The way that Pallet Racks are set up makes them easily accessible by forklifts from both ends and on either side. Accessibility is a big factor when production in a manufacturing plant may be at risk. Fork trucks need to be able to maneuver around the racks with relative ease. So that they can get what they need precisely when they need it.

  • Fifth:

A Pallet Rack is also a convenient system. It is set up for efficiency and usually delivers, as long as the warehouse or plant sets it up and utilizes it properly. They are designed to help companies store more stuff, and get things done faster. Also helps to increase the safety factor all at the same time. The lowly Pallet Shelves are one aspect that not a lot of people consider, but setting up a system that works in any area will always enhance the overall business.

Types of Pallet Racks

Drive-in and drive-through

Drive-in and drive-through(sometimes spelled Drive-thru) are storage rack configurations that allow the forklift to drive directly into the lane of stacked rows (called a bay). The difference between a drive-in and a drive-thru Pallet Racks system is simply whether the bays have an entry at only one end, or at both ends. Drive-in rack systems use a common entry and exit, while drive-thru systems have entry points at either end of the bay. Because a drive-in racking system has only one entrance, it uses what is called a LIFO (last in, first out) storage method.

With only one entrance, the last Pallet Shelves put into a row is necessarily the first one to be taken out. A drive-thru storage system, with two different entry points, can also use a FIFO (first in, first out) storage method. With a FIFO system, Pallet Shelves are loaded in one end and are pushed back to the other end, where they are then at the front of the row on the opposite side. The first pallet put into such a row is the first one taken out at the other end. This system is advantageous for material with an expiration date or wherever shelf life is a major concern.


Warehouse Pallet Racking

Push-back Pallet Racks

Push-back Pallet rack systems are designed around the principle of organizing space by depth rather than width. This depth arrangement greatly reduces aisle space and increases storage density. In this configuration, each bay can be up to six pallets deep; each pallet is stored on wheeled carts that fit onto rails. The rails are slightly angled toward the load/unload side of the rack to take advantage of gravity, saving enormous amounts of energy for moving heavy pallets.

When a forklift sets the Pallet rack system onto the cart, it drives forward and causes the pallet to bump the next pallet, causing the entire row of pallets to roll backward. When removing a Pallet Shelf from the front position the remaining pallets immediately stage themselves forward so that the next available pallet can access it. Push back rack is a LIFO (last in, first out) storage system.

Selective Pallet Racks

Selective Pallet Racks are a common pallet racking system in use today. These Pallet Racks typically come in one of two configurations. A roll formed, or clip-in configuration, and a structural bolt-together configuration.

  • Roll-formed selective rack is most commonly manufactured in a “teardrop” style. Pallets then rest on the horizontal load beams that are held in place by mounting clips. Because the clips on teardrop configurations can be quickly moved, the shelves can be easily adjusted to different heights to accommodate various load sizes. This is convenient for a warehouse that needs to store a wide variety of product sizes.
  • Structural Pallet Rack systems are very similar to roll-formed Pallet Shelves. However, the horizontal load beams are attached to the uprights with bolts. structural Pallet Rack Beams have much greater weight-bearing capacity. The bolt fixings make this a form of adjustable shelving racks that can be constructed, reconfigured dismantled, and reused as necessary.


Gangway Storage Pallet Racking

Double Deep Rack

Double Deep Rack is similar to a Selective Rack. But stored two rows deep instead of one. This type of racking, therefore, requires specialized pallet handling equipment. By using either a specialized forklift unit with a double deep handling attachment. It can Increase storage capacity compared with Selective Racking. It Can increase Pallet Rack Beam storage by as much as 10-15% depending on layout.


Warehouse Storage Pallet Racking

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